Multi-Carrier Parcel Shipping Software
Simplify your parcel shipping.

Centralize your parcel shipments in your own single portal.
Shop rates, get quotes, book pickups, print shipping labels, track shipments, etc...
Your team or your clients will only need to use one single easy to use and standardized interface to ship with various carriers.

Manage multiple users

You are in full control on the portal access. You can provide access to your individual team members, from any departments. If you provide shipping to your clients, under your own carrier accounts, the system gives you the flexibility needed to manage the carriers and services they have access to.

Save on your shipping costs

Automatically compare rates accross your multiple carriers. The system provides you with a flexible interface, so your can maintain your carrier's discounted costs, as well as manage discounts and margins by clients.

Shipment costs conciliation

Stay in control of your shipping costs.
NEO provides you with a powerful application to verify the carrier's invoices.
It compares and find all discrepancies between the shipment order and the carrier billed amounts.

Courier billing

NEO automates your billing and avoid manual errors.
The system let you quickly bill and provide all details to your clients.

Integration with your client processes

The more integrated you are with your client internal processes, the more faithful they will be with you. By extending their operations to your systems, they benefit from a closer relationship.
APIs will allow them to ship directly from their in-house system, to integrate RMAs on their own website, etc...
By providing a single API to your clients, they don't need to customize a different one for each carrier

Integration with NEO systems

This application can work as a standalone and we can help integrating it with your own back-office.
It can also integrates directly with our NEO-WMS system.

  At NEO6, we design, develop and customize logistics solutions to empower your clients.

We already built many portals that can be used as it or adapted to your own needs. We can integrate with your own internal systems or build independant solutions.

NEO solutions are designed to provide a pleasant customer experience and to be flexible and easy to adapt to your evolving needs.
They are extremely easy to use and offers numerous features to help you day after day.
Lean design
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication" (Leonardo da Vinci).
One single portal for all carriers
Easy to use dashboard
One single portal for all carriers.
Mobile friendly
All carriers in one
One view for all carriers.
Dynamic access to information
Easy shipping
Easy shipping from one interface.
Compare rates from different carriers
Rate Shopping
Compare rates from different carriers.
Modern user interface
Carrier's label
Print carrier's label from one portal.
Contact Us
We are a creative software development lab based in Montreal with a passion for helping our clients grow.
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You can also contact us at
755, Blvd Curé-Boivin #200; Boisbriand, QC; J7G 2J2 Canada
+1 438 538-7635